About Us » Six Pillars of Character

Six Pillars of Character

The Six Pillars of Character  


Trustworthiness - be honest, be reliable, do the right thing, be loyal

Respect - treat others with respect, be tolerant of differences, use good manners, be considerate of feelings of others, deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements

Responsibility - do what you're supposed to do, perservere (keep trying), always do your best, use self control, and think before you act

Fairness - play by the rules, take turns and share, and listen to others

Caring - be kind and compassionate, show you care, express gratitude, forgive others, and help people in need

Citizenship - do your share to make your school and community better, cooperate, stay informed and vote, obey laws and rules, respect authority, and protect the environment